Wednesday 3 December 2014

Welcome to my photography blog!

brighton pier fun fair

Have camera, will travel. That's my motto.

Welcome to my blog, Wanderlust & Pixels, in which I aim to publish a photo a day - holidays, disasters and sheer laziness permitting - from my travels. I have a lot of photos, some of which have been published in magazines including TNT, Decoded Past, Europe Up Close, Travel Thru History and Choice, among others.

They, and many others, have since been hiding on my hard drive, no doubt feeling rather neglected so I thought I really should let them see the light of day!

I am currently based in London, so there will be a number of shots of interesting parts of the city (there are a lot) as well as pictures from my travels further afield. I have lived and worked in China, worked on an archaeological dig in Cyprus, and have relatives in Italy, so you can see I like to spread my net wide.

Let's see if I can keep this up from now until the end of 2015.

Today's photos are of Brighton Pier, memories of a wonderfully warm summer's day.

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